

You can be sent to jail for allowing a dog to suffer.

You can also be sent to jail for not allowing a human being to suffer and helping them end their life.

It is an outrage that we allow 2000-year-old scriptures of debatable origin to dictate that we may not allow those in terminal pain to end their lives with dignity.

Because that's what it comes down to - all arguments against euthanasia are religious or irrationally based.

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There is no valid argument against Euthanasia

DIY Euthanasia again 

Who are the anti-euthanasia brigade? Go on, guess

Attempt to pass legislation

The DIY Exit Bag: how to die with dignity even though the law doesn't want you to

Support grows through Europe for euthanasia

Yoka de Houwer, another example of outdated laws bringing indignity

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